ב״ה Preserving, promoting, and supporting the sacred study of Torah and the observance of mitzvot for all generations

Mitzvahouse Charities
Tzedakah + Sacred Learning
Charity Initiatives from America's National Jewish Charity
Support Mitzvahouse Charities to reach those in need and fuel our mission!
צדקה בשילוב עם לימוד מקודש
Empowering Jewish Traditions Together
At Neshama.Cloud, we promote Torah study, mitzvah observance, and preserve our Jewish legacy for future generations through learning and actionable mitzvot including community engagement. We owe to those who came before us to keep the light going for our the generations. It is our Legacy.

Our mission is to support Jewish learning. actionable mitzvot, charitable activities, serve communal needs and ensuring the continuation of our traditions and values for all generations. Click to Lean more!
America's National Jewish Charity
Mitzvahouse Charities is America's Jewish National Charity. Reach out for more information about helping to support programs and resources for Torah learning and mitzvah observance for individuals, communities and our national outreach efforts.
Preserving Jewish tradition through Torah, mitzvot, community and tzedakah!
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© 2025. All rights reserved Neshama.Cloud powered by Neshamot Chassidim Inc nonprofit organization in partnership d.b.a. Mitzvahouse Charities. Status 501(c)(3) pending.
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