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Engaging programs to enhance Torah learning and mitzvah observance.

Mitzvah Power Yid's Club

Join our Yids club, Mitzvah Power Pals, for fun learning experiences, friends and community. Be the 1st chassid in your community to Join and share the simcha of your neshama with others! We are looking for team leaders in your area for Hebrew School or Summer Camp or local community. Sign up Today!

a man sitting on a green chair on a sidewalka man sitting on a green chair on a sidewalk
Charity Initiatives

Support our national charity, Mitzvahouse Charities, helping to fuel our mission and to help those in need. America's Jewish National Charity powered by Neshamot Chassidim Inc

You can really make a difference in so many ways. Don't hesitate, just give..

Community Program Development

Engaging activities promoting Torah study and mitzvah observance for all.

A carved stone plaque features two tablets with Hebrew inscriptions. At the top is a Star of David with the word 'אמת' (truth) inside it. The surrounding design includes floral and ornamental motifs intricately carved into the stone.
A carved stone plaque features two tablets with Hebrew inscriptions. At the top is a Star of David with the word 'אמת' (truth) inside it. The surrounding design includes floral and ornamental motifs intricately carved into the stone.
a man eating a donut
a man eating a donut
A crowd of people, primarily men and boys wearing traditional attire including fur hats and prayer shawls, are entering through a gateway. There is a separate entrance for women on the right. Several Israeli flags can be seen above the entrance.
A crowd of people, primarily men and boys wearing traditional attire including fur hats and prayer shawls, are entering through a gateway. There is a separate entrance for women on the right. Several Israeli flags can be seen above the entrance.
Four elderly individuals are seated around a dining table, enjoying a meal together. The table is set with various dishes, including matzah, and there are two lit candles in candlesticks in the center. The setting appears to be inside a home with windows showing an outdoor view.
Four elderly individuals are seated around a dining table, enjoying a meal together. The table is set with various dishes, including matzah, and there are two lit candles in candlesticks in the center. The setting appears to be inside a home with windows showing an outdoor view.
a man holding a wallet and a watch
a man holding a wallet and a watch
man in black police uniform
man in black police uniform
A book is open to display columns of text written in Hebrew script. The pages are slightly yellowed, indicating age or frequent use. A dark background contrasts with the lighter pages, and a green ribbon bookmark is visible along the spine.
A book is open to display columns of text written in Hebrew script. The pages are slightly yellowed, indicating age or frequent use. A dark background contrasts with the lighter pages, and a green ribbon bookmark is visible along the spine.

Reach out to us if you'd like to get more involved in the Divine Inheritance of our ancestors and let your Neshama shine!


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